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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pizza=Not Death

In these troubling days of obesity and persistent death and Michelle Obama mumbling through mouthfuls of chicken wings and fried ravioli that we're all too fat, here comes a story that restores my faith in human nature and God's good providence: this woman would have died had she not ordered a pizza every day of her life. I can only hope if a Friday evening arrives and the guy behind the liquor store hasn't seen my smiling face, he calls the EMTs to swing by my house.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Glassware: Flute Glass (#6 in a Series)

*Special thanks to the wise men at Beer Advocate for the source material.


Of course, Miller High Life is "The Champagne of Beers."* The good news is, there really IS beer worthy of drinking like a fine champagne; at those times, it's good to have a flute around. The narrow body preserves carbonation, enhances aroma and color and basically makes your beer look its best. It should be apparent when it's appropriate to drink your beer from a flute:
  • When you're at the White House
  • When you're holding a giant publisher's clearing house check with your name on it
  • At the midpoint of "Minstrel in the Gallery" at a Jethro Tull concert
  • When you have a beer ready to drink and hey, there's a flute
There are many beers with champagne-like attributes; they may be dry, or effervescent, or aromatic, whatever. Use your best judgment. If you have a New Glarus Raspberry Tart and you choose not to swig it directly from the bottle, a flute would be appropriate.

Which beer styles are suited to this type of glassware?

Where can I find one? has these, which look like they'll do the job.

Next time: snifters! Grab a cigar and we'll do this thing.

*Ben will give me no end of grief for insulting his beloved High Life. He's from Nebraska, hence his love of beer that's chock full of corn (and yes, I'm from Iowa, but that's neither here nor there).